- if you wish to be considered, and want to be involved then please get in touch...
A benefit show to run from Oct 20th to Oct 30th 2011 We are now entering our second month in the Cultivate gallery space. As you may or may not already know, this is a six month project (that may just evolve to be something longer term if we can survive?). We’re a small group of artists doing it ourselves rather than just accepting the London gallery system and moaning about the way it all works. Cultivate is about trying to do things just a little differently while also trying to understand things from the gallery point of view.
Little Benefits will be our sixth busy show in the excellently situated space right in the middle of one of the busiest art streets in East London. . We’re doing all this gallery running business ourselves, we don’t have any funding or backing. The reality is we have to pay the rent cheque at the end of each month. It will be tough to survive the winter months, it is important that we do survive right in the middle of what has become the establishment of Vyner Street, that we challenge things just a little rather than just accepting the way the galleries run things. So we need you artists and creative creatures to come help us (and while you help us, help yourselves by getting some work on the wall of a gallery that’s right in the middle of one of East London’s busiest art streets).
From the opening Thursday night of Little Benefits on October 20th until October 30th we want the pack our walls with a very busy vibrant exciting group show of smaller affordable pieces of work. We want the work on the walls to be on sale at no more than £100 per piece.
We’re looking for artwork that’s no bigger than 30cm x 40cm – paintings, prints, canvas pieces, drawings - just as long as it something we’re happy to show on our walls (we will be picky, the art has to be right for the space and the space has to be right for the art). There will be a small fee of £10 per piece we hang - this is the benefit element of the show. We won't be taking any commission for any work sold. I do rather think this is a fair and reasonable deal for all involved, little benefits for everyone...
Artists who want to be involved should get in touch with j.pegs of work and such for more details Please send j.pegs, weblinks and thoughts to us via info@cultivatevynerstreet.