Monday 1 March 2010

Tine to get some painting done, time to get this year going...

no Daffodils but it is March the 1st and the sun is out and the light is good and dare we think of Spring and creativity and...? Really do need to get out there now.

Lot of street art type things going on this weekend, watching is tougher than doing, itchy spray paint trigger finger...

A whole load of photos from the Hazardous Waste event at Graffik Gallery, Ladbrook Grove, West London, up now over on the Organ website. Lots of good friendly people, lots of exchanges, more Create And Survive interviews done with the Grafik Warfare collective for the next in our series of radio documentaries (and far too much whisky drunk).

Tine to get some painting done, time to get this year going, time time time...


  1. damn i only found out about this now....

  2. ooooooo dear, sorry Mimi, you need to watch those art news pages on the Organ website over at for news of things like this... or the Twitter feeds. Was rather good.. free whisky was a little deadly though....

  3. sorry mate knew there was something missing! creds added.
    i'll keep an eye on the sites from now on :)
