Saturday 27 February 2010

the big wall canvas

Where is the spring? Where are those green shoots of new life? Need it to arrive now, had enough of this bad life and not being able to get out, need the new leaf growth, buds of trees, need those daffodils, need this to be a creative productive positive busy year of painting and energy and enough of this being stuck in doors in the cold and the bad light looking at the bleak trees and the winter defiantly hanging on... Sun trying to fight through the wind and rain today, need to get out there, need to get out and make art outside, share art outside...

There's the big wall canvas, been treating this like my own wall in here through the winter months, adding marks, layers of graff-leaves and spray paint marks, the marks you would associates with tags and street graffiti, marks on top of marks, the new covering the old, layer over layer, far from finished and new marks to be added and new leaf growth, more layers on the canvas wall, many layers to be added yet... should have been documenting it as the layers build up...

Got a great e.mail yesterday from someone who had found another of the seven inch vinyl pieces... Enough, time to get out and paint, oh, the sun has gone in, 1pm and I need to turn the lights on in here again...

Time to organise a show...

1 comment:

  1. agree.... this spring gotta come soon! cant wait to move from a cold studio to the outdoors!
    nice, your 'wall' there :) got a few of those too (legal graffiti!)
